
The Society is a Canada-wide non-profit bilingual association dedicated to the advancement of evaluation theory and practice. In the field of evaluation, the Society promotes:

  • Leadership
  • Knowledge
  • Advocacy
  • Professional Development

Almost 1,800 individuals who are involved with the betterment of programs and services through the use of evaluation, belong to the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES).

Jan Hense  12 Aug 2004 - 19:34  Institutionen  Institutionen und Organisationen  Weblinks   

The International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) is a loose coalition of regional and national evaluation organizations from around the world that is dedicated to building leadership and capacity in developing countries, fostering the cross-fertilization of evaluation theory and practice around the world, and assisting the evaluation profession to take a more global approach to contributing to the identification and solution of world problems.

The American Evaluation Association is an international professional association of evaluators devoted to the application and exploration of program evaluation, personnel evaluation, technology, and many other forms of evaluation. Evaluation involves assessing the strengths and weaknesses of programs, policies, personnel, products, and organizations to improve their effectiveness.

The American Evaluation Association's mission is to:

Jan Hense  12 Aug 2004 - 19:34  Weblinks  Zeitschriften  Zeitschriften   

The Journal of Official Statistics is published by Statistics Sweden, the national statistical office of Sweden. The journal publishes articles on statistical methodology and theory, with an emphasis on applications.

We encourage articles on the following topics:

Methodologies and policies for the collection, processing, analysis, presentation, and distribution of statistical data. Examples of such topics are: sampling design; estimation; analytical uses of data; questionnaire design; quality control; data base management; confidentiality; ethics; dissemination; presentation of quality; training of statisticians; the role of statistics in today’s society; the relations between producers, users, and respondents; intra-organization collaboration; international statistical cooperation; and evaluation and identification of statistical needs. Articles may present theoretical contributions, interesting applications of existing methods, comparisons of different methods, or authoritative reviews.

Jan Hense  12 Aug 2004 - 19:34  Institutionen  Institutionen und Organisationen  Weblinks   

The primary goal of the European Evaluation Society is to promote theory, practice and utilization of high quality evaluation especially, but not exclusively, within the European countries. This goal is obtained by bringing together academics and practitioners from all over Europe and from any professional sector, thus creating a forum where all participants can benefit from the co-operation and bridge building. The society was founded in the Hague in 1994. The first official board was elected in autumn 1995 and started its work in January 1996.

Jan Hense  12 Aug 2004 - 19:17  Institutionen  Institutionen und Organisationen  Weblinks   

Gut kommentierte Liste internationaler Evaluationsorganisationen.

Die Schweizerische Evaluationsgesellschaft fördert den Informations- und Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Politik, Verwaltung, Universität und Beratung im Bereich Evaluation. Sie setzt sich aktiv für die Förderung der Qualität von Evaluationen und deren Verbreitung ein.

La Société Française de l'Évaluation, fondée en juin 1999, a pour vocation générale:

  • de contribuer au développement de l'évaluation
  • de promouvoir son utilisation dans les organisations/les collectivités, publiques et privées
  • de faire progresser les techniques et les méthodes
  • de favoriser le respect des règles éthiques et procédurales

La SFÉ se veut être un lieu de rencontre, de débat et de formation ouvert à l'ensemble des commanditaires, des praticiens et des utilisateurs de l'évaluation, des secteurs public et privé

The UK Evaluation Society exists to promote and improve the theory, practice, understanding and utilisation of evaluation and its contribution to public knowledge and to promote cross-sector and cross-disciplinary dialogue and debate. This website provides information about the activities of the UKES and news about other evaluation activities, jobs, contracts, events, resources in the UK and internationally.

Der Verein wendet sich an alle, die mit Evaluation befasst sind (Auftraggeber, Auftragnehmer, Wissenschaft und interne Evaluation) und will eine Plattform für den interdisziplinären und interprofessionellen Austausch sein. Neben Informationen zur Arbeit des Vereins und seiner Arbeitskreise finden sich ein Veranstaltungskalender sowie Tagungsbeiträge und die deutschsprachige Version der Standards der Evaluation zum Download im PDF-Format.




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